Family Art Stars

Families that learn together, grow together. We are very excited to continue our Family Art Stars sessions every Saturday! Come down, muck in and make some art as a family, spending quality time and learning new techniques. No skill is required, just enthusiasm!
Limited capacity, booking in advance is essential. Adults MUST accompany children, which means adults need to book a place for themselves too!
Who will be teaching this class?
Sometimes it’s Janine and sometimes it’s Andy – they’re both pretty groovy!
What should I wear?
Anything that you won’t mind getting a bit messy.
Anything I need to bring?
Don’t forget your water bottle!
We want to make your visit to Z-arts as enjoyable as possible and try our best to cater for everyone’s needs. If your child has any specific requirements or you feel we need to know anything in advance please give us a call on 0161 226 1912 or email and we’ll do everything we can to make your visit and class as hassle-free as we can!
When booking your spot, please make sure the booking is in your child’s name, not yours. Thanks!
This event requires a Bright Sparks membership. Find out more and join.
Age range
All ages
Free for Bright Sparks members
Run Time
60 mins