INNIT Musical

a) If Shelagh Delaney made Salford taste of honey then "Innit" is the salt 'n' vinegar on your chips.
b) "Innit" doesn’t taste of honey, it's far more the salt 'n' vinegar on your chips!
c) Will our Salford tower block Romeo find love with his leafy suburban South Manchester Juliet?
d) A brilliantly, witty and double-distilled urban musical, a modern day Romeo and Juliet!
e) "An irresistible slice of life" – Manchester Evening News.
f) "A freshness and theatrical immediacy…This is a real achievement" – Willy Russell.
g) An exciting and reimagined production that leaves you with a slice of optimism and a spark of inspiration.
h) Remember, the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow… "Innit"
i) "Gutsy enough to have the target audience… whooping with recognition" – The Guardian.
j) "Innit" does for Salford what Billy Elliot did for Newcastle, Blood Blood Brothers did for Liverpool, and West Side Story did for Manhattan!
k) "Oliver meets Jailhouse Rock meets Blood Brothers meets West Side Story…and then gets t****ed somewhere down Salford Precinct." – Salford Star.
INNIT Musical Tickets

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Our review on INNIT Musical
INNIT Musical - The Lowry, Salford - Thursday 14th September 2023 by Lizzie Johnston
Our Rating
When I first found out about INNIT, I knew I had to check it out as a proud Salfordian. It’s not a show I had previously heard of, which adds to the excitement as you can simply turn up and embrace the unexpected.
INNIT is a true tale of hope and redemption, only to be found by taking an unapologetic delve into the murky world of ‘scallies’. Although the show is set in Salford, it’s real and relatable to so many as it explores a life which could be lived across the country. Written by Micky Dacks, it is based on his childhood story after he turned to a life of crime at nine years old before joining a Manchester street gang at 13. The story shows that change is possible, taking the audience through the ups and downs of his life and how he turned away from crime and gangs.
As a Salfordian myself, I found the characters very entertaining and relatable, we all know someone who can relate to any of the situations played out in the show. From teenage love to peer pressure and family drama, we all know someone who has experienced a similar situation. There’s raw emotion throughout which is hard hitting when you think about the ages of the characters. The teens are avoiding school and college to spend their time committing crimes across the city, a vicious circle they can’t seem to escape.
The set was simple and grungy like something straight off a Salford backstreet. The cast moved the stairs around to switch to new locations and keep the production moving swiftly. The costumes matched the set, as they were a real representation of Salford. From tracksuits to Stacey’s sparkly dress, there’s an element of the different lives lived around the city.
I particularly loved the characterisation of the gang. They were almost like caricatures, over the top and comical but without missing the grit and threat needed to really tell the story. Led by the charismatic and tough James Smalley (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) as Finley, they provided a comic relief whilst also still delivering hard hitting moments. They were almost stereotypes of what people expect gangs to be like, one is the leader who uses “banter” as a reason to bully the others, the one who’s second-in-line and acts as if he’s also the leader, the gullible one who believes every word they say and of course the one who doesn’t really want to be part of the gang - and that’s Ashley Thompson.
William Bours (Les Miserables, Phantom of The Opera, Cats) played Ashley Thompson, the character based on Dacks story. Bours gave a heartfelt performance, one that pulled at your heartstrings. You could tell how much he wanted to break away from the life of crime despite feeling the peer pressures around him. His chemistry with Ruthie Presh Lane’s (Angels of the Prisons, Let The Right On In, The Captain of Kopenick) Stacey Stevens was a joy, one that showed the love and lust of a teenage romance. Their relationship added a depth to the story, as it was more than just the pressure from his family and friends, but Ashley’s want to impress Stacey and make her happy.
The original songs were catchy and entertaining, spanning across all sorts of genres from Pop to Hip Hop and Rock. Despite the storyline not being the typical plot for a musical, the score worked effortlessly and the whole audience loved it. I’ve still got “Universal Credit” running around my head!
This show is truly Salford. Raw and real yet still entertaining and funny. Head to The Lowry and have a good laugh and maybe even a cry - can you get much better than seeing a Salfordian show and a Salford theatre?