Manchester Theatre News & Reviews
In Conversation with director MAX HARRISON discussing Leaves of Glass at Hope Mill Theatre

We interviewed Max Harrison about Leaves of Glass coming to Hope Mill Theatre, Manchester from Monday 3rd to Saturday 8th July 2023.
“That’s the way it works in this family. Believe what you wanna believe. Twist this. Ignore the other. That’s how we survive.”
Lidless Theatre and Zoe Weldon in association with Park Theatre and Theatre Deli present the first major UK revival of Philip Ridley‘s Leaves of Glass.
East London. 2023.
Steven has always tried to be a good person. He works hard. He looks after his family. But, suddenly, everyone starts accusing him of things. His wife accuses him of being unfaithful. His mother accuses him of being coercive. And his brother, Barry, accuses him of…what exactly?
Barry won’t say. Or can’t. Or perhaps…Steven hasn’t done anything at all.
Following its critically acclaimed run at Soho Theatre premiere in 2007, Philip Ridley’s four-hander is a gripping narrative of memory, manipulation, and power – now regarded as a modern classic – returns for the first time in 16 years with a new production by longtime collaborators, Lidless Theatre.
Karen Ryder asks the questions.