Manchester Theatre News & Reviews
In Conversation with JILL HALFPENNY & ROWAN ROBINSON discussing A Taste of Honey at the Royal Exchange Theatre

We talked to JILL HALFPENNY (Helen) and ROWAN ROBINSON (Josephine) about their roles in the production of A Taste Of Honey at The Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester. It takes centre stage from Friday 15th March until Saturday 13th April 2024.
A stunning portrayal of the complex bond between a mother and daughter who, despite their sharp bickering, are both holding on for that Taste of Honey. Helen has done it again, another fly-by-night flit dragging Jo from one Salford flat to another, only this time she has out done herself giving her daughter panoramic views of the slaughterhouse. But Jo can feel her Mum’s restlessness, another man will appear and lure her away and Jo will be left to fend for herself, so when Jimmie offers to stay for Christmas Jo is swept up in his charm and the promise of escape – no matter how precarious that may be. Shelagh Delaney’s iconic play, directed by Emma Baggott, is a sharply observed portrait of working-class life in Salford in the late 1950s. “I am delighted to be directing the RET forthcoming production of A Taste of Honey. It was one of the first text’s I studied as a teenager and has long lived in my head and heart. I have always been inspired by Delaney’s radical and courageous decision to centre working class women at the centre of her drama and not as subordinate to the interests of male characters. Delaney makes all of her characters in her play extraordinary by placing them centre stage. It is a real privilege to be directing this play at the RET, a stone’s throw away from Salford where the Delaney was born, and A Taste of Honey is set. I am looking forward to bringing this revolutionary text to new audiences.” Emma Baggott, Director
Karen Ryder asks the questions.