Manchester Theatre News & Reviews
In Conversation with ZOE PICKERING discussing the venue, Z-ARTS in Manchester

We interviewed Zoe Pickering, Head of Programming at Z-arts in Hulme, Manchester.
Zoe talks to Manchester Theatres' Karen Ryder about the fabulous venue located close to the city centre.
They discuss all the type of events Z-arts runs, the large spaces they have such as the library, studios and theatre itself.
Learn about what's coming up in the final season in 2023 and why you should visit Z-arts.
Watch our "In Conversation" video to discover the history about the building, the amazing Fairy Tales space that is so magical for families to enjoy, plus their exciting Escape Room which is a must-see.
We love Z-arts, what they do and all the passionate staff who work there.
Take a look at what's on and book tickets today...
Karen Ryder asks the questions.